Welcome to your MasterWorks Healing Membership Site! This remarkable community of like-minded individuals is here to stimulate and move you to discover the next best version of YOU.

MEMBERS ONLY: Prayer Circle – September 1, 2015 REPLAY

This is the place to receive and share prayers. We all know the power of prayer, if you need a prayer come here; if you want to be of service and offer prayers, come here. This is a most sacred and powerful part of our community.

May those who requested prayer receive our energy.

The prayer circle today will be for health, abundance, and relationships.

CONTRIBUTOR: Zach Rehder – August 10, 2015 REPLAY

Zach is here to offer you the opportunity to have more of yourself. It’s his desire to help you fully realize the gift that you are and discover how amazing you always have been.

He is here to help guide you to living pain free, to feel amazing in your body, and live a life that you absolutely adore. Discover what it means to have total gratitude for yourself and all that is. Join Zach on this hour-long adventure and open to being the example of true potential and possibility for all.

Join in as he follows the awarenesses that arise and experience the change that ensues!