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Spontaneous Transformation Technique – January 27, 2021 REPLAY

What a beautiful session with Jennifer… wow, healing after healing occurred.

The dominant theme was “trusting your soul’s journey.”

Guidance brought in over and over again for members to ask: “What if I trusted my souls’ journey?” to allow a new energy in.

This moved the energy from a mind-oriented infrastructure of what is “has to be,” and instead, to an open, creative manifestation energy of the souls intention (which is ALWAYS much better than anything the mind can think of).

And there was also an emphasis on putting energy into what you are wanting… “I don’t know,” “I’m not sure,” “I can’t think of anything,” does not target or direct the energy. So when you think of “What do I want?”, then have a real answer. If you don’t have an answer, that is your next step, to get that answer… then put your full energy and actions into that.

Powerful transformation afoot here. Definitely a must listen.