Welcome to your MasterWorks Healing Membership Site! This remarkable community of like-minded individuals is here to stimulate and move you to discover the next best version of YOU.

PREDICTIONS WEEK: Keri Fulmore – January 7, 2023 REPLAY

Keri and her angels and guides shared that this year is jam-packed with beautiful energy… And added that the mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical bodies are all being addressed in her overview of the year…

We’ve collectively been through a lot… some are harder to process. In 2023, we are heading into a year of elevated vibration and frequency. There is a new willingness for many to enable real change. This is the year that we can fundamentally shift our energy.

When we turn inward to light up, we can then spread that outward and can create something powerful. If we are willing to move into high-frequency energies available this year, we draw the world we want to see toward us with peace and joy…

PREDICTIONS WEEK: Thomas John – January 6, 2023 REPLAY

Thomas John is a global psychic sensation who has wowed audiences across the world with his impressively accurate messages from ‘the other side.’

Hosting sold-out events such as A Night with Spirit and Dinner with the Dead, Thomas John is one of the nation’s most coveted psychic mediums. Bi-Coastally based, his gifts continue to be in high demand with influencers, A-list celebrities, and those at crossroads in life from coast to coast and around the globe.

PREDICTIONS WEEK: Dee Wallace – January 5, 2023

Dee and The Channel started with the following: Part of creating our life is about surrounding ourselves with the top people and leaders, and that is what is available for you in Masterworks Healing membership.

According to The Channel, we have free will and can direct our energy. We direct it through our chosen thoughts, feelings, and visions. Your life is showing up in accordance with the belief systems that you have. Uncovering your beliefs is the source of your empowerment. The greatest force in our creation is love. It is the strongest and most powerful tool to create with.

None of the following predictions are definitive because we are in charge of the direction of our consciousness. And as the consciousness of the collective grows and comes together, it can change things. It is very important to consciously create yourself, which creates the world and create the present and future…

PREDICTIONS WEEK: Laurie Reyon – January 5, 2023 REPLAY

Laurie has been listening carefully to her guides and who she channels for Predictions Week.

Laurie’s higher self came through first: 2023 will bring all to move into their hearts and open to love, and many, many, more can now fully awake. There will be a deeper emergence of beauty, and a profound sense of oneness will emerge from where we have been. Since 2017, warring and fear was dominant, and it is now completing.

This is a year we can dare to do the things we only dreamed of. Those that have been honorable and in integrity in recent years will be supported and receive accolades. Those who have been in corruption, unkind, and lacking integrity will not enjoy what they have sown, and the unpleasantness of what they will now reap this year will be more front and center…

PREDICTIONS WEEK: Christy Whitman – January 4, 2023 REPLAY

The Council shared that for 2023… You are the ones in the playground… when you start seeing it as a playground and not a struggle, and move into getting out of victim and into light… and know yourself to be the divine creator… you can now play instead of suffer. 

In 2023, you can access all the support you have available:  You have a stadium of light supporting, guiding, and loving you. Each of you has a stadium of light. Some may only see a small version… yet you can allow it in that your stadium is the biggest of the biggest. There is every possible guide here to help with every situation… you have access, and all you need right now is available to help you. Nothing is ever missing.

You are created in the blueprint of wellness and wholeness, love, and support…

PREDICTIONS WEEK: Marilyn Alauria – January 3, 2023

Marilyn started by sharing that in 2023, it’s time to “raise your hand in your life…” telling the universe you’re ready and want to be seen. We have shifted into incredible energies this year. So now you have the support to become an active participant in your life. Walk in your destiny. It may not be comfortable at times, but you will be presented with opportunities when you do.

Marilyn shared her story of claiming, “I’m going to 10X my life,” and dramatic changes happened. It was a little messy and seemingly challenging.

This year you are no longer able to hide and retreat from what’s meant for you. It’s time to live in your light. If you don’t do that, poverty, illness, and lack may be showing up to nudge you more; it is a moment to move and change…

PREDICTIONS WEEK: Dr. Robert Pease – January 2, 2023 REPLAY

Numerology for 2023… it’s an extraordinary year.

7 year… 2+0+2+3=7 permeates the year.

Your personal number is your month+day+2023 = personal year.

In Pythagoreans, 7 is the ultimate number… the philosopher stone, merlin magician energy… the deeper of what is under our standing. It is about digging deeper but not in a burdensome way. It’s a quest year. Time to set an intention for the adventure we desire. It is ultimately a journey year.

The themes are: truth, wisdom, inquisitiveness, and the desire to learn and grow…

PREDICTIONS WEEK: Maria Verdeschi – January 8, 2023 REPLAY

Maria asked spirit… “What do these souls that are part of Predictions Week need?” What came through was…

This past year was about paving that path for 2023. A lot of you put in that sweat and hard work, and yet wondered if you did the right things. 2023 is about: You did a great job paving the path… don’t overthink it, and keep moving forward.

Overthinking became the focus of what to change in 2023… Stop overthinking. Change the way you talk to yourself. Be kinder to yourself. Live from the present and not from fear (fear is the past or future). Live much, much more in the moment this year.

Challenge your thoughts… for example, thoughts like: “I am so lazy.” Stop and ask, “Am I really lazy?” It’s not really real, so get to what’s real. Identifying those fears by being in the moment of fear and really evaluating and addressing the fear (and that may even be false)…

PREDICTIONS WEEK: Jennifer McLean – January 8, 2023 REPLAY

Jennifer will take you on a soul journey to discover the areas within you that are ready to be released. Join her to experience deep healing using her own Spontaneous Transformation Technique (which originated as Body Dialoging and is covered in Joe Vitale’s Book The Key) plus her Sound Vibration Soul Songs and Tonal Healing.

She will be taking calls and chat questions and working with individuals for group healing. If you are looking to shift, this is the call for you!

PREDICTIONS WEEK: Mary A Hall – January 6, 2023 REPLAY

Mary invited and shared a bounty of love, gratitude, and appreciation in contribution with the community, for Jennifer. So lovely.

2023 is this deep theme of great energy of recalibration.

This recalibration energy is important when we notice this new portal, this “7” year; there is a new capacity for wisdom and truth, and an opening awareness to move us deeper into our truth and heart connection.

She shared that there is an opening to step in and honor the heart… living now from our heart (not our mind). A deeper space of “freedom energy” is surfacing in our lives. 2023 freedom is going to be anchored in more and more throughout the year…