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CONTRIBUTOR: Dr. Robert Pease – November 10, 2021 REPLAY


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Numerology: It is a 7 energy in November, which means growth, learning, and education. Today is an 8 day. Energies are about encouragement and putting together your spiritual powers, using the tools that support… a major pivotal time of the year. Go into alignment and move into calm and rest for the rest of the year. Take a deeper look at what you believe. The beliefs that are limiting you and expanding into abundance.

A time of nourishing and support, it’s a time to stay clear of anyone toxic (and that can seem complicated). Creating real conversation (informing them) instead of avoidance.

Lots left to reveal itself… gifts are on their way. Every day brings a new energy of wonder and surprise (even if it doesn’t feel that way). You are never moving in the wrong direction. All is always in divine timing, even if it is not clear how to use it, it is clear to the universe and your soul.

There were 6 planets retrograde last month, most of which have now gone direct. It was an important reminder to focus.

We have 4 mercury retrogrades next year.

The session work was remarkable and included: health issues, in particular jaw; improving productivity; unraveling why we set up a life with certain patterns; moving through the pushing and pulling energy of transformation; a pathway to gaining clarity; moving into authentic conversations from a place of responsibility; and SOOO much more. Such important information came through.

“Who am I really, what is my authentic self?” Love what you are doing in progress and expansion and playfulness.

To work directly with Dr. Robert, check out his website: https://robertpease.com/



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Psychic & Numerologist to the Stars

Robert Pease holds a Ph.D. degree in Transpersonal Counseling and Mystical Science. He is the creator of the the Power Behind Everything Awakening and founder of Robert Pease International, The Peace Network and host on Co-Creator Network’s internet radio.

Dr. Robert has a celebrity client of the Who’s Who of Entertainment Industry as well as numerous high profile Wealth Coaches in Real Estate and Financial Abundance. He has also been called the “Coach behind the Coaches” and is a well respected “Psychic to the Stars.” He has been the advisor on many spiritual films including Sacred Journey of the Heart and is the author of Spiritual Bootcamp: This Is Your Wake Up Call and his soon to be released book The Power Behind Everything.

1 Comment»

  • DENISE RANCK says:
    December 9, 2021 at 1:00 am

    Thank you both, Dr. Robert and Jennifer. You change lives!

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