Jenn’s Marketplace
This areas will offer Jennifer’s products AND products that she recommends. These will be products the she has used are has heard great things about them. She will also negotiate with suppliers to ensure MasterWorks Healing Members are getting the best deals in town.
Prayer Circle for Gaia Replay
We had a very powerful prayer circle yesterday, and the energy was really high and supportive. Particularly, to the recent oil spill that has devastated the Gulf Coast, its inhabitants, and Gaia. We held in our focus the beauty that is this amazing planet… and the beauty of her inhabitants… her animals, her plants, her oceans, and her shores. We thanked her for supporting us……
Jennifer’s Favorites of MasterWorks Healing ~ GIFTS
I was thinking about you all and how to best introduce you to MasterWorks Healing. So, it felt like if I could give you a couple of gifts of some of the most popular shows, it would help you to get into the spirit of what this community is about.