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MEMBERS ONLY: Prayer Circle – November 9, 2021 REPLAY

Today’s Prayer Circle was so powerful… so needed… and so well-received.

And I’m so grateful that we can come together on this call to share out love and prayers with each other and the world.

As usual, our prayer circle was so incredibly healing and supportive today. Thank you to everyone who joined us live to contribute… your energy really helped to increase the amazing healing we shared.

Listen to this replay to feel the powerful prayers for yourself…and to replay this prayer for all those who need to receive.



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We all know the power of prayer. That’s why we come together twice a month on Tuesdays (10 months of each year) to further inculcate our energetic foundations of love, healing and vibrant abundance. As a community, we have a more profound, positive impact on the planet and are able to more rapidly inspire shifts across humanity.

If you need a prayer come here; if you want to be of service and offer prayers, come here. This is a most sacred and powerful part of our community.

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