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PREDICTIONS WEEK: Marilyn Alauria – January 3, 2023


Marilyn started by sharing that in 2023, it’s time to “raise your hand in your life…” telling the universe you’re ready and want to be seen. We have shifted into incredible energies this year. So now you have the support to become an active participant in your life. Walk in your destiny. It may not be comfortable at times, but you will be presented with opportunities when you do.

Marilyn shared her story of claiming, “I’m going to 10X my life,” and dramatic changes happened. It was a little messy and seemingly challenging.

This year you are no longer able to hide and retreat from what’s meant for you. It’s time to live in your light. If you don’t do that, poverty, illness, and lack may be showing up to nudge you more; it is a moment to move and change.

2023 is also a year of adventure. This is the year to put in your calendar things you’ve wanted to do and then do them. And move into conscious joy. (And add in fun!) If you want to do something or go somewhere, yet don’t have the funds… use YouTube, books, and shows that put you in that energy.

Let’s get into creation. The word this year is “creation” – everything outside of us is a product of our mindset and how we feel about ourselves. If you want to change the things that are showing up in your life… take an inventory… “was that a choice I made aligned with my truth?” Whatever shows up is getting you ready for a greater opportunity.

Marilyn also shared that there is power this year in prayer-in-partnership, in co-creation, and in surrender. Something bigger and greater is coming toward you; trust, believe, and be ready. Find a ritual around this and practice it daily.

Listen for the internal intuitive prompts to learn what you need to create what you want.

The other words for the year are “adventure” and “joy.” We have to create our own joy. Joy has been missing recently as we have grieved and mourned what hasn’t happened. There is the opportunity this year to change, REALLY create something different, bring in actual joy, and create something new from it.

A CHANNELED TOOL: Use your own starlight to dissolve the block in front of you. WOW! Magic is at our fingertips.

Take center stage and live a meaningful life. Have goals but without expectations. And carry the adventure, joy, creation energy through the year… engage your imagination through.

January is about discipline, focus, and doing what you intend.

February is leaping forward; imagine what that might need and take the leap.

March is planting seeds, playing with joy and adventure, and creation.

Get clear now about what you want to plant in March that will create accelerated growth and fertility.

The Session work was absolutely incredible and accurate; many readings happened before the participants asked a question (WOW!).

— Page of pentacles, angel holding star… you’ve done the work, now look to further work in spiritual guidance as a calling. You’ve done the soul work and it’s time to move into the Queen and King (in Tarot). The calling is so great, and how to start… take small action-oriented steps every single day. Ignore the “how” and go with the flow.

— How do I move forward? Creating new habits. Star card is about vulnerability, transparency, shifting, expanding, and  opening consciousness. It’s about study and accelerating growth. Learning something and putting it into action. While also watching stress levels, and doing breathing exercises and yoga to deal with that. 20 minutes a day is only about you. Pay attention to nature and let it communicate to you. Fairy realm is 3rd eye energy, which is clairvoyant.

— Throat chakra is about speaking truth to self and clairaudience. Trusting your intuition. “I am” discourses… spiritual texts that want to speak to you. You have walked many spiritual lives… it’s time to discover what it is that you want to share this lifetime. You have the ability to move mountains if you believe it… it’s time to embody this and know that you won’t be persecuted for it. Not receiving support… look virtually as well. Seek the higher consciousness of others. Find the community where you’re at.

— Career change and ways to bring in money… Embody the energy of living in freedom. Model your energy based on whom you admire in the world. It’s time to trust your intuition.

— Trust the light coming out of you… be the “light talker.” What 5 things do you want to do, and how you would like to do it? Ask in your dreams what you want to shift and use those messages to change and to move into what’s next. Take ownership of the star inside and own it more before she is helping others… find the new identity anchored inside to move from that before you move into the more familiar. How to take care of yourself even in the old scenarios that were stressful.

Don’t wait to do tomorrow what you can do today… Change happens when we create change.

Catch yourself in the moment of the unconscious false thought and dysfunctional pattern.

If you want to play with Marilyn to connect to your Soul that creates a congruent solid expression in this life, this is your chance with her SASS program. Enroll here:



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Internationally renowned psychic medium and creator of the highly successful program The 28 Day Challenge and Membership for Your Soul, Marilyn Alauria, is passionate about teaching you how to engage your gifts, meet your Guides, and live an awe-inspired life. When you learn to co-create with your Guides, you get unstuck, blast through old limits, and finally feel the peace, love, and joy that your Guides have been longing to share with you.

She had her first experience with Spirit when she was five but didn’t understand what was happening to her. Because of the difficulties she encountered while growing up, she was depressed, angry, and confused. Through an extraordinary journey of self-discovery, she expanded into her power and harnessed and embraced her psychic gifts, which helps YOU transform your life.

Marilyn knows it’s her mission to teach people around the world that they are not alone, that they, too, possess the same gifts she has, and that everyone can heal themselves and others with these gifts. That’s why she started Membership for Your Soul, where she does exactly that. The members have done amazing work in their own lives with Marilyn’s guidance, and she is so proud and honored to lead such a wonderful group.

Marilyn’s work is centered around integrity, and she holds each interaction and experience in the highest regard. She’s worked with famous people and beautiful souls known only to a few. It’s her honor and privilege to work with Spirit in this unique and powerful capacity and to be able to offer such essential insight to everyone she works with.

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