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PREDICTIONS WEEK: Mary A Hall – January 6, 2023 REPLAY

Mary A Hall

Mary invited and shared a bounty of love, gratitude, and appreciation in contribution with the community, for Jennifer. So lovely.

2023 is this deep theme of great energy of recalibration.

This recalibration energy is important when we notice this new portal, this “7” year; there is a new capacity for wisdom and truth, and an opening awareness to move us deeper into our truth and heart connection.

She shared that there is an opening to step in and honor the heart… living now from our heart (not our mind). A deeper space of “freedom energy” is surfacing in our lives. 2023 freedom is going to be anchored in more and more throughout the year… and it is way more profound than has been in a long while.

Our soul essence of joy, claiming the sweet joy of life and connection to life and all it delivers, is expanding. There are also new light frequencies… “I am light, I am my soul light essence.” We are recalibrating to that truth… no longer muddling through the old patterns.

This is an energetic frequency of light; Sunbeam light energy is available to us, reminding us of our true divine essence. We are light, and we have the capacity to connect to that and use it to support us.

Mary then took us through the most amazing, sacred Quantum Healing to “healing into 2023,” opening the Healing Portal as a new energy now available to us. That also includes your sacred yes and your sacred no. WOW!!!

“Love is the bridge between you and everything.” ~ Rumi…Mary added, “because beloved, you are divine love. Love is the space where you can have everything you desire.”

Session Work was profound and potent, and included:

— What do I need to move forward? Answer: Notice questions asked from your mind. Mary guided us again to the sacred yes and no, and this coaching and healing gave us another version. When you bring in the energy of truth and noticing, you can welcome them and expand them as a result.

— How to co-create love in all of my life. Answer: Loving myself fully. Mary took us through an exercise to fully love ourselves. Holy wonderment, so cool. Every time you feel love, your cells start to glow. They wake up and are activated. Each sparkle is receiving as much energy as it’s creating. Abundance on all levels is now possible.

— Big challenge with family dynamics. Answer: Mary did a remarkable divine love saturation quantum healing “love bubble.” If you have ANY family conflicts, listen to this one. Love does not “make happen” or force; love embraces and honors.

— Physical health issues. Mary activated the trillions of cells to heal the physical body. And there was also a healing of lineage energy that is influencing the physical. Remarkable.

This was a mini sampling of what you would experience in her amazing offer. This is one of the few live offers from a Predictions Week Speaker (PLUS 21-Days of remote healing frequency transmissions). WOW! Prepare to deeply recalibrate into a new state of possibility. GO HERE to learn more and enroll now.



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About Mary A Hall

Mary Hall is a renowned Healer, Coach, Author and Speaker. Her system for guiding others to connect to their Heart and Divine Essence has launched her to become known as one of the most profound Healers in the industry.

At the heart of her work is her ability to see others for who they really are – as Divine Beings of Love and Light who are having a magnificent human experience. She radiates light and love onto everyone she encounters and holds a space of honor and compassion which enables and empowers others to remember their own true essence. It is in remembering and connecting to our heart and Divine essence where we can open the gates to a life free from emotional and physical pain, that flows with ease, well-being and abundance.


  • Deborah Hyers says:
    January 7, 2023 at 1:35 am

    Tell Mary I felt my back pain lift away. Everyone of her calls have healed something in me. I really love this. Feeling the joy energy too. I’m gonna sign up for her program after our call.

  • Julie Bridges says:
    January 7, 2023 at 1:36 am

    I got goose bumps!!!

  • Kelli Hepworth says:
    January 7, 2023 at 3:59 pm

    I’m new to Masterworks and to Mary, though my feet have been on the spiritual path for half a century.
    A physical healing was my goal and I was overwhelmed by what you provided, however, each caller touched me and I was in tears for most of the reading. They were all so powerful and impactful.
    Thank you!

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