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Spontaneous Transformation Technique – April 24, 2024 REPLAY

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What an amazing set of sessions on Masterworks Healing with Jennifer.

There was an overarching theme of being in a space of allowing…

Meaning that we move into an intention of allowing the outcomes to be what they will be in trust and faith. That will allow the needing/bracing for outcomes the mind thinks it needs to be “this or something better.”

The first session brought forward a powerful healing session to deal with surgeries and injuries that have happened or surgeries that are about to happen. This wonderful guided process worked with the cells to heal and improve communication, worked with the fascia, muscles, and nerves to work in harmony. It also opened up a new energy for any foreign bodies to be infused with the soul energy so it was embraced by the body. Quite powerful.

The next session dealt with a painful arm and the guides were quite funny saying, “If it hurts when you life your arm, don’t lift your arm!” It recommended the person move into an energy of trust with the healing process and pace of that AND recommended they get an Xray.

The next member had an issue with a metal hernia, and it was recommended to do abdominal crunches with a more conscious intention of knitting the upper abdomen together and inward. That will help it physically. AND they recommend some noticing of beliefs around the receiving of feedback… that 1) You are receiving feedback just fine, 2) The ADHD has us spinning with feedback, and the metaphor with some of that feedback was, “It is hard to swallow.” Do the “What if I were in the center of the soul?” exercise (everyone got to do and feel that) when that ADHD spinning starts to happen.

Allowing showed up again dealing with an insurance issue with flooding in a condo. To notice the false beliefs that she somehow did something wrong (she didn’t), notice the facts, and that the dry facts of the situation are always correct. And to move into allowing that the insurance she will receive will be exactly right, and this or something better will be. That will then allow the “something more” to come in, and it will be better than the mind can imagine.

The next session brought forward channeled information that the world and everyone in it is at a high level of intensity that is making it hard for many to think and even get the basics done. That instead of something getting done in 1 – 2 steps, it will now take 5 – 7 steps. By knowing this, we can move into a better energy of patience and compassion for those who are going through stuff. And with that understanding, we don’t have to blame ourselves for having bad energy, and we can find some grace for ourselves and for others.



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Jennifer will take you on a soul journey to discover the areas within you that are ready to be released. Join her to experience deep healing using her own Spontaneous Transformation Technique (which originated as Body Dialoging and is covered in Joe Vitale’s Book The Key) plus her Sound Vibration Soul Songs and Tonal Healing.

She will be taking calls and chat questions and working with individuals for group healing. If you are looking to shift, this is the call for you!


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