Spontaneous Transformation Technique – February 26, 2025 REPLAY

Jennifer started with a powerful healing conversation about our guides and how to create in our lives. It was clear, succinct, actionable, and worth listening to.
Then the session work was profound and genuinely healing and included…
— Struggle and hard-to-reach guides… The belief in struggle and “it’s hard” is the reason why. Jennifer had the members notice in their past one thing they didn’t know how to do and got better, then remember the moment before they decided to do that thing… that moment was guidance and has been working for us our whole lives. The channel also discussed how each of us access our soul and guides differently and to stop comparing, which also slows down the belief that we can connect to our guides. Jennifer shared that we judge when we don’t feel safe; that’s why we’re judging. And the member had asked prior to the session to receive a message, the conversation before she was chosen was the answer, and THEN she also got chosen… The unequivocal proof is given when you ask.
— Guidance on what I am doing when lease is up in May? I want him to be in charge, too expensive to buy land, should we travel. The channel suggested a decision-making list in order of priority. The channel also shared that The Afterlife Of Billy Fingers By Annie Kagen is a great book to learn about the notion that there are no bad decisions ever… each one is a carrier of soul intention.
— Traumatized hands on your throat. Find someone to talk to about it. “I don’t stand up for myself, I lose my voice.” Noticing our attention to what’s wrong and allowing the evidence of what’s wrong to dictate that will be what’s wrong ongoing. We did a “what if …” process that allowed the member to witness that there was more room now and that her throat was clear.
And so much more…this is a must-listen!
Check out the new Spontaneousness transformation Technique Course were you can learn this miraculous system that is designed for these exact times.
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Jennifer will take you on a soul journey to discover the areas within you that are ready to be released. Join her to experience deep healing using her own Spontaneous Transformation Technique (which originated as Body Dialoging and is covered in Joe Vitale’s Book The Key) plus her Sound Vibration Soul Songs and Tonal Healing.
She will be taking calls and chat questions and working with individuals for group healing. If you are looking to shift, this is the call for you!

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