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Spontaneous Transformation Technique – July 24, 2024 REPLAY

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Wonderful session work on this that brought forward unique original insights and healing.

— Scattered energy that is moving into something big. I’m stepping into something new… a new energy field. I don’t know what I’m being called to transform. The husband wants to retire. All is new right now; we are moving into new energies. Pluto with Aquarius are bringing in a new 20-year energy cycle that was similar to the French Revolution. With that, there is a new generational energy. It is a time when all are wondering, and some are afraid of this big, huge unknown. We get to be ok in the midst of that.

— The member felt a little lost. Jennifer did a “What if the opposite…” moving into open and free energy. It opened the idea that anything is possible. It was quite a WOW shift.

— The next member had physical symptoms that may come from emotions – IBS for two weeks and strange rashes. Had a GI virus. IBS when kids were young. Guides are saying, “You’re just sick” don’t think it’s more. And not to make things more when the simple answer is rest and recover.

— Member shared about getting excited about doing something and going in a new direction, then crashing and being bummed out. It lead to a very profound shift and discussion abut neural divergency and reframing how we label ourselves and how our brains work.

The speed reading was remarkable and brought forword the most amazing insights.

A great session to listen to.

Jennifer spoke about her two new STT courses…
1) Receive 42 Days of STT.
2) Learn how to do STT with The STT Self Healing Course.



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Jennifer will take you on a soul journey to discover the areas within you that are ready to be released. Join her to experience deep healing using her own Spontaneous Transformation Technique (which originated as Body Dialoging and is covered in Joe Vitale’s Book The Key) plus her Sound Vibration Soul Songs and Tonal Healing.

She will be taking calls and chat questions and working with individuals for group healing. If you are looking to shift, this is the call for you!


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