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Spontaneous Transformation Technique – July 27, 2022 REPLAY

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This was a deep and beneficial session on Masterworks Healing Membership.

The theme was consistently “Be in your being instead of in the mind’s doing.”

In other words, move from “doing to get,” into “being to receive.”

It continued right into the speed reading, where Ho’oponopono for upsetting relationships with family also showed up.

The tendency to move into victim, then into stuck, is a powerful cycle that seems difficult to unhitch from. Yet it is all belief that keeps us in that cycle…

You will receive a powerful “what if…” session that will put you straight into being, completely circumventing this dysfunctional cycle.

Jennifer Recommends her Soul Power Formula course to advance these processes even more.



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Jennifer will take you on a soul journey to discover the areas within you that are ready to be released. Join her to experience deep healing using her own Spontaneous Transformation Technique (which originated as Body Dialoging and is covered in Joe Vitale’s Book The Key) plus her Sound Vibration Soul Songs and Tonal Healing.

She will be taking calls and chat questions and working with individuals for group healing. If you are looking to shift, this is the call for you!


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